Maturing, hormone sensitive skin
Many of us are trying to navigate the hormonal balance in our bodies during peri- menopause and menopause and this requires, among many things, avoiding toxins, xenoestrogens, and PUFAs (Polyunsaturated fats) not only in our diet but in our personal care products as well. At this stage of life, we want ultra clean but effective ingredients that will keep our skin hydrated, while supporting collagen and elastin production and providing a ton of anti-oxidants.
AM routine
Wash face with water only
Aura moisturizer
If the skin is very dry or you live in a very dry climate add a few drops of olive, avocado or castor oil to your moisturizer
PM routine
Ray cleanser
Pep Talk
Aura if more hydration is need but for most people Pep Talk will be enough